Mirepoix LLC

mirepoix llc

Business Strategy & Implementation

Public Health Advocacy

We can help you move your mission forward faster.

WHAT: A strategic consulting team specializing in healthcare, diagnostics, and biotech. We focus on the task at hand in the context of helping our clients meet their milestones. When they have gaps in their organization — we roll up our sleeves as embedded partners, building strategies to evolve product and service pipelines, defining ideal reimbursement pathways, aligning regulatory approach, or developing launch plans. We outline key tactics for branding, sales structure, or incentive plans; we implement complementary public affairs, advocacy, investor relations, and communications programs.

HOW? We work on short- or long-term engagements to help our clients meet their immediate goals, while providing the experience, insight, and guidance to assure they are on track toward achieving their longer-term strategic objectives.


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You have limited resources (people and money), critical milestones to achieve, and little time and bandwidth to get them done. The natural instinct when looking for help is to choose a consultant who’s great at accomplishing the specific task at hand. A scalpel is the smart, resource-efficient tool choose, right? Actually, we think the better choice is a Swiss Army knife equipped with a compass, (plus a road map).This has broad utility and will keep you vector-based. That’s a more-apt description of our approach, which takes the typical life cycle of the company into account— not just what’s happening today, but what you’re aiming for tomorrow, the next milestone, and the one after that. Because each action your company takes today toward the immediate milestone can have consequences in achieving future milestones down the pike.

We believe that most biotech startups are better served with embedded partners who have well-rounded experience in multiple disciplines rather than narrow contributors that require your time to manage. We can be the commercial operation extension of your company to fill the gaps in your team, even if you’re still conducting business in stealth mode. 

Think of us as your Swiss army knife.  

DEFINITION: a mirepoix (pronounced meer-pwah) is the flavor base for a wide variety of dishes, such as stocks, soups, stews, and sauces. It is typically a simple combination of aromatic vegetables — traditionally celery or celeriac (celery root), onions, and carrots — finely chopped — raw, roasted, or sautéed with butter and/or olive oil. 
There are many regional mirepoix variations, which may substitute or add other ingredients, such as leeks, shallots, parsley, garlic, bacon, or diced ham. Whatever the individual components, it’s the combination of flavors working together that creates the strong foundation to make the dish coalesce.

...And that's exactly what we do for our clients.